Print-ISSN : 2085-8167 | Online-ISSN : 2549-7057

Jurnal Geografi is a scientific communication medium in Geography and Geography Education and other related fields. Jurnal Geografi aims to develop relevant concepts, theoretical studies, and actual issues and encourage broader global and regional analysis and innovative thinking about sustainability globally and regionally.

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Posted: 2018-07-21
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Vol 16, No 2 (2024): JURNAL GEOGRAFI

Cover Page

This edition contains 12 outstanding articles, representing the collaborative efforts of 50 leading authors from various geographic locations, including Indonesia, Fiji and Japan. Hopefully the articles published can provide a rich understanding of the geography of various regions

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all authors and peer reviewers for their extraordinary contribution in reviewing articles properly and carefully, thus ensuring the quality of the articles we publish.

Editorial Team Jurnal Geografi