Analysis of dug well water imminity in Sikapas Village, Mandailing Natal District

Riski Nainggolan, Rappel Situmorang


Research has been conducted on the analysis of water impurity dug wells in Sikapas Village, Mandailing Natal Regency which is located at coordinates 1° 10 '42.25 "North Latitude and 98° 56' 47.81" East Longitude. This research aims to determine the quality of dug well water based on the electrical conductivity level, salinity, temperature, turbidity and mineral content contained in well water in Sikapas Village by using the conductivity method. Sampling was done by taking 10 samples of dug well water starting from the dug well closest to the beach to a community settlement with the reference point is the beach. The results showed that the dug well water in Sikapas Village was still not intruded by seawater (pure) and was suitable for use as clean water. It is known that based on the value of the electrical conductivity, the measurement results do not exceed the allowable conductivity value is ≤ 200 μmho/cm, 25oC. The electrical conductivity of dug well water in Sikapas Village ranges from 17.53 - 76.87 μmho/cm, 25oC, salinity ranges from 9.26 - 41.1 ppm with a quality standard of 200 ppm, temperature range of 26.6 - 26.8 oC with a quality standard of ± 3oC, turbidity ranges from 0 - 1.73 NTU with a quality standard of 25 NTU and magnesium mineral content ranges from 1.4 - 3.6 mg/L with a quality standard of 150 mg/L, iodine ranges from 0.9613 to 5.1545 mcg/gr with a quality standard of 18 mcg/L, iron ranges from < 0.009 - 0, 09 mg/L with a quality standard of 1 mg/L, and chloride levels ranged from 5.91 - 20.3 mg/L with a quality standard of 600 mg/L.  

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