Perception analysis of students' level of understanding in statistics course

Artha Mahindra Diputera


Statistical courses are mandatory for students to take to assist in solving research problems. The purpose of this study was to determine student perceptions of the level of understanding of all statistical material indicators after attending statistics lectures and to prove that the average student perception was not in the low category. The research method used is quantitative research. The sample used was 31 samples from students of Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, Universitas Negeri Medan in 2021. The data collection technique used a questionnaire technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and one sample t-test. The results showed that Student perceptions of mastery of statistical lecture indicators fall into two categories, namely the high category of 61% and the medium category of 39%. The perception of the sample's ability to master the lecture indicators is divided into four categories, namely the very high category of 19%, the high category of 42%, the medium category of 32%, and the low category of 7%. The mean score of perceived mastery of statistical indicators is greater than 31.5, which means that students' perceptions of ability are not in the Low category.  

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