Partial derivative solution software with MATLAB

Chindy Cahyani R. Napitu, Ira Octavia Lumbanraja, Khopipah Simatupang, Fevi Rahmawati Suwanto


The MATLAB software used in this research is a program that integrates numerical computing, visualization, and programming to express problems and their solutions in mathematical notation. This study aims to explain the reasons why the use of MATLAB needs to be utilized because it is considered to be able to solve mathematical problem solving theories and can be easily understood. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research, because it describes and explores information in words. Data collection techniques using literature study and practice. To test the validity of the data used triangulation techniques. Data analysis was carried out by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results show that the use of MATLAB is very helpful in solving mathematics, especially on partial derivatives and produces comprehensive results.

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