Processing of Cow Feses and Banana Tree Stemp (Musa Paradisiaca) with Vermicomposting Method using Decomposer Lumbricus rubellus

Wanti Keliat


Vermicompost is the result of the decomposition of organic materials by earthworms, producing fermented worm castings. In addition to the texture and moisture content of the organic material, temperature and pH also play crucial roles in determining the efficiency of the decomposers, leading to optimal vermicompost production. This study aims to evaluate the processing of cow manure and banana tree stems using the decomposer Lumbricus rubellus with the vermicomposting method. The study also hopes to reduce environmental pollution and provide value from livestock and agricultural waste management activities. The research employed a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and four replications. Cow manure and banana tree stems were used as the main materials with different formulations for each treatment. The study results indicated that the temperature values of vermicompost in each treatment showed no significant differences (p>0.05) across all treatments, the pH values of vermicompost in each treatment also showed no significant differences (p>0.05) across all treatments and the production of vermicompost showed significant differences (p<0.05) across all treatments. Treatment P3 had the highest vermicompost production value at 1462.5 g, with a waste degradation rate of 46%. The processing of cow feses and banana tree stems has potential as a raw material for vermicompost production.

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