The Validity of Youtube-Based Biology Practicum Tutorial Videos in Supporting Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ditri Asma Mustika Rahmawati, Imas Cintamulya


April 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially announced the state of the Covid-19 disease pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. This situation makes the human population in the world limit activities, including learning activities are carried out online. In this condition, practicum activities in Biology learning need to be assisted by media that are easy to understand and accessible to be carried out at home. The media is in the form of videos that can help explain concepts to students by utilizing the YouTube platform to access tutorial videos for practical activities. Based on these interests, it is necessary to research with the aim of 1) Designing a valid Youtube-based biology practicum video tutorial; 2) Describing the validity of the YouTube-based biology practicum video tutorial that was designed. The research method uses a development model adapted from Borg and Gall. This research is only limited to validity testing by validators covering the following aspects: material/content; Systematics; language; graphics; and evaluation. The results of the assessment by the validator showed that the YouTube-based biology practicum tutorial video obtained a score of 4.3 from the average overall assessment aspect. Based on the validity criteria, it shows that the video tutorial is very valid. Thus, it can be concluded that the YouTube-based biology practicum video tutorial designed as an online medium has met the validity criteria. Furthermore, the results of this study can be an alternative learning media in the form of Youtube-Based Biology Practical Tutorial Videos for 7th-grade students of SMP/MTs.


Covid-19 Pandemic; Online Learning; Practical Instructions; Validity; Youtube

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