Dikotomi Subkultur Masyarakat Kampung Pulo Desa Cangkuang Garut Jawa Barat
The concept of Kampung Pulo is a sub-cultural community in the West Java region, a culture that is maintained so as not to be crushed by modern and mainstream popular culture. But the subculture of the Pulo village community has a dichotomy, where the culture that is preserved is a form of resistance to the flow or a form of acculturation which is deliberately designed to follow the mainstream by trying to be different (subculture) from the mainstream itself. The study used a qualitative approach with direct observation, interviews, and literature study, concluding using the Miles and Huberman approach. Kampung Pulo is a subculture of modern mainstream society with all established values, norms, and traditions. Rules such as bringing incense, perfume, coals of fire, flowers, and cigars at the time of the grave pilgrimage, prohibition on Wednesdays for pilgrimage, not allowed to build houses with Jure roofs, not allowed to beat big gongs, not keeping large four-legged animals such as goats, cows, and buffalo. Girls have to stay at home while boys who are married have to leave the house. Kampung Pulo is a subculture paradox of society where the currents of modernization and globalization are affected so that the design of a tourist village is deliberately made to remain an indigenous community as well as tourism. Commercialization is a subcultural dichotomy of the Kampung Pulo community, but commercialization is also a strength. Not because it separates itself from mainstream culture but aims to recognize its existence in maintaining its customs, traditions, values , and norms.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/antro.v8i1.32144
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