Profil Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga Nelayan Tradisional Untuk Penyediaan Data Program Pemberdayaan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir di Desa Nelayan Kecamatan Medang Deras Kabupaten Batu Bara

Dara Aisyah, Muhammad Sontang, Supsiloani Supsiloani


Indonesia merupakan negara maritim yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam laut. Potensi tersebut tidak membuat nelayan tradisional kaya, namun kemiskinan nelayan tradisional masih menjadi masalah utama, mereka tetap tidak bisa sejahtera. Pemerintah telah memikirkan berbagai program agar dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan, terutama untuk keluarga  nelayan miskin. Berbagai program telah di rancang dan dilaksanakan sejak masa Presiden Soeharto sampai Presiden Jokowi, namun didapati tidak dapat meningkatkan taraf sosial ekonomi kehidupan mereka. Keluarga nelayan tradisional masih miskin di Desa Nelayan Kecamatan Medang Deras Kabupaten Batu Bara. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membantu Pemerintah dalam penyediaan data profil sosial ekonomi keluarga nelayan tradisional. Selama ini banyak bantuan program telah diberikan, namun tidak tepat sasaran. Permasalahan tersebut disebabkan karena belum tersedianya data yang akurat di setiap Kelurahan atau desa, tempat nelayan berada. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kinerja program yang dilakukan sebelumnya, maka diperlukan perbaikan data agar dapat menentukan pilihan peserta program dengan tepat. Responden di ambil dengan random sebanyak 129    orang diwawancarai dengan menggunakan kuesioner,  di desa Pakam, Pematang Eru, Benteng, dan Kuala Perai di Kecamatan Medang Deras Kabupaten Batubara. Kajian deskriptif dengan metode survei, dilakukan di sekitar pantai desa nelayan Kecamatan Medang Deras. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan ”Statistical Packages for the Social Science” (SPSS) versi 18.00. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membantu  Pemerintah dalam menyediakan data profil sosial ekonomi keluarga nelayan miskin. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat membantu pihak Desa dalam memberikan data akurat dalam penentuan peserta program bantuan pemerintah, sehingga kinerja program pemerintah dapat tercapai.



Indonesia is a maritime country that has a wealth of marine natural resources. This potential does not make traditional fishermen rich, but the poverty of traditional fishermen is still the main problem, they still cannot prosper. The government has thought of various programs in order to improve the welfare of fishermen, especially for poor fishing families. Various programs have been designed and implemented from the time of President Soeharto to President Jokowi, but they are not found to be able to improve their socio-economic standard of life. Traditional fishing families are still poor in the Fisherman Village, Medang Deras District, Batu Bara Regency. This study aims to assist the Government in providing socio-economic profile data for traditional fishing families. So far, a lot of program assistance has been given, but it is not right on target. This problem is caused by the unavailability of accurate data in every Kelurahan or village, where the fishermen are located. Based on the results of the program performance evaluation conducted previously, it is necessary to improve the data in order to determine the choice of program participants correctly. Respondents were taken randomly as many as 129 people were interviewed using a questionnaire, in the villages of Pakam, Pematang Eru, Benteng, and Kuala Perai in the District of Medang Deras, Batubara Regency. Descriptive study using survey method, conducted around the coast of the fishing village of Medang Deras sub-district. Data were analyzed using "Statistical Packages for the Social Science" (SPSS) version 18.00. This study aims to assist the Government in providing data on the socioeconomic profile of poor fishing families. The results of the study are expected to assist the village in providing accurate data in determining the participants of the government assistance program, so that the performance of government programs can be achieved.


Profil sosial ekonomi, nelayan tradisional, pemberdayaan sosial ekonomi masyarakat pesisir

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Anthropos: Jurnal Antropologi Sosial dan Budaya (Journal Of Social and Cultural Anthropology)
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