Siti Kudriyah


When translating, we should convey the source text as equivalently as possible to the respective target text. To begin with, one therefore analyzes the meaning and the stylistic intention of the source text, and tries to reconstruct its content, meaning, style and intention in the target text as accurately as possible. Cultural aspects must also be taken into account while processing the text. Translations from Indonesian to German and vice versa encounter complex differences with regard to the grammatical and lexical components of the source and target language.

When translating, we should firstly take into account the guidelines for grammatical correctness of the target text, secondly the stylistic aspects and thirdly the choice of words in order to write a suitable and adequate translation. Language competence, creativity and stylistics are pivotal for professional translations, and it is therefore highly productive to analyze the equivalences, grammatical discrepancies and alterations between source and target language. The opera "Perempuan di Pinggir Danau" was translated from Indonesian into Germany “Frauen am Rande des Sees”. In this article the shifts within in the transmission of this particular translation are analyzed.

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p-ISSN 0852-8535

e-ISSN 2442-7594