Phytochemical Screening And Identification of Terpenoids Compounds at Ethanolic Extract Pegagan Leaves (Centella asiatica L. Urban)
important role in medicine because they have many benefits in healing
various diseases. Terpenoids are also believed to be contained in gotu kola
leaves. This research was conducted to find out what are the active
compounds contained in gotu kola leaves. This research begins with
extracting 400 grams of gotu kola leaf powder with 96% ethanol solvent
using the maceration method. The results of maceration were then
evaporated using a waterbath until a thick extract was obtained.
Identification of active compounds contained in gotu kola leaves was
carried out by phytochemical screening test and KLT test on thick extract.
In the phytochemical screening test, it is known that the ethanol extract of
gotu kola leaves positively contains terpenoids, steroids and saponins.
Then the identification of compounds using the KLT method with
ethanol:ethyl acetate eluent in a ratio of 9:1, 8:2, 7:3 and 6:4, then sprayed
with reagent liquid and observed under a UV lamp with a wavelength of
254 nm. In the ratio of 9:1, the resulting Rf value is 0.64. Then in the ratio
of 8:2 and 7:3, the resulting Rf values were 0.67 and 0.69. And in the ratio
of 6:4, the resulting Rf value is 0.75. Based on the Rf value obtained, it
can be concluded that the ethanol extract of gotu kola leaves can certainly
contain terpenoid derivative compounds, namely triterpenoids which have
a standard Rf value of 0,50-0,89
Full Text:
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JBIO : Jurnal Biosains (The Journal of Biosciences), Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Medan. ISSN 2443-1230 (print) dan ISSN 2460-6804 (online)
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