Kata Kunci: Beton Campuran, Pengujian beton, RCA, Zeolite
ABSTRACT The concrete industry conducts concrete testing every day, by applying compressive strength and tensile strength to concrete. Therefore in this study I will utilize the remaining unused concrete, to be a material for concrete mix which is usually known as Recycled Coarse Agregate (RCA). In order to achieve its expected goals, before the research of compressive strength and porosity is carried out there are several stages that must be carried out, the test carried out is the testing of concrete constituent materials, which include RCA and zeolite materials. The FM value obtained for all samples of the proportion of the mixture is still in the range of limits required by ASTM, the RCA aggregate is obtained 20% in abrasion testing, according to SNI 2417: 2008 and ASTM C-33 the abrasion value obtained still meets the requirements for use as pavement the road is 40% - 50%, the strength value is not in accordance with the mixed design, but the trend value of the strength of the porous concrete has increased. Concrete compressive strength with 97% RCA aggregate and 3% zeolite of 2.39 MPa, 93% RCA and 7% zeolite of 2.55 MPa, and 90% RCA and 10% zeolite of 4.78 MPa. RCA and zeolite are still suitable according to ACI 522R-10 with an average compressive strength of porous concrete ranging from 2.8 - 28 MPa, porosity is only a ratio of RCA and zeolite 93%: 7% which meets the porous concrete standard that is 19.29%.
Keywords: Concrete testing, RCA, Composite concrete, Zeolite
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