Kata Kunci: Buku Ajar, Kelayakan, Penalaran Induktif, Statistika
ABSTRACT This research aims to develop the textbook of statidtics based on the constructivist and measure its feasibility in increasing the studrnt's inductive ressoning from aducation of building engineering. In general, studying statistics material requires inductive reasoning skills in solving the problems in the context of daily life. The type of research that is done is research and development. This research procedure refers to the development model of Borg & Gall that are adapted of the model from Dick & Carey. The subject of this research are the students from education of bulding engineering that take the subject of statistics. The result shows that the textbook of statistics based on constructivist fulfill the criteria for proper to be used in the learning statistics that is used in order to increase the ability of the student's inductive reasoning that is the result of study that want to be achieved after learning statistics in the clas has ended, demonstrated by thd judgment of expert and practitioner, the trial for one-on-one, the trial for small group and the trial for large group.
Keywords: Feasibility, Inductive Reasoning, Statistics, Textbook
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/ebjptbs.v7i2%20DES.35212
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