Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Pada Matakuliah Evaluasi Hasil Belajar

Revita Yuni, Roni Afriadi


Based on Undang-Undang RI No. 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System and national education objectives, ideally graduates of education unit have attitude competence which include spiritual attitude (belief and piety to God Almighty), and social attitude (morality, independent, democratic, responsible), knowledge (knowledgeable) and skill (proficient and creative). But in fact the Indonesian education system is now too cognitively oriented and less attention to the nature of affective, emphaty, and taste. While the teacher education in education bachelor program among others aims to produce prospective professional teachers who has master basic knowledge. Professional teacher with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating learners on early childhood education formal education pathway, primary and secondary education. In addition, professional teachers should be able and creative in the development of character education, directing learners to recognize and be able to accept the values of the characters as part of their lives. In principle, the development of character education content is not included as a subject but integrated into course material, self-development, and culture. With the expectation of character education applied in everyday life so that become habit learners in society.

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