Dhea Ananda Putri Sanusi, Yusnizar Heniwaty


This study is a textual and contextual study that discusses Silat Banjar in the community in Ara Payung Village. The research process is determined based on place, time, population, sample, up to the stage of qualitative descriptive research methods. The research period lasted for three months in Ara Payung Village. The sample in this study were 8 silat trainers, a traditional figure, silat trainers, the head of Ara Payung Village, and several people who understand about Silat Banjar. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation. The results of this study can be seen in the form of its performance, Silat Banjar has textual and contextual values in it. The textual value of Banjar silat can be seen from the movements where there are 44 moves that are learned at the Banjar Silat School but there are 16 moves that must be understood by the silat athlete before performing, black pants and shirts and red hats with a few black lines on the eyebrows and sideburns as make-up and clothing, musical accompaniment as a supporting atmosphere in performing the accompaniment, the property used by the silat athlete is a long knife (machete), and the floor pattern becomes the distance between one silat athlete and another when the silat is performed.


Kajian Tekstual; Kajian Kontekstual; Silat Banjar

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/gjst.v13i2.64501

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