Sri Mustika Aulia, Nurwani Nurwani, Try Wahyu Purnomo


This study is a classroom action research that implements Serdang Malay Dance learning based on the synectic learning model as an effort to develop creative thinking skills of Elementary School Teacher Education students. The dance learning process in Elementary School Teacher Education aims to improve dance practice skills, understanding cultural concepts and developing aspects of creativity through dance media. There are three types of analogies used in the synectic model as the basis for forming creative thinking patterns, namely personal analogy, direct analogy, and compressed analogy. The design of this study uses a classroom action research method. The implementation of the study consists of two cycles, each stage of which consists of preparation, action, observation and reflection. The results of the applied Serdang Malay Dance learning turned out to be able to increase the creativity aspect of students in developing basic Malay dance movements originating from the Lenggang Patah Sembilan and Lenggok Mak Inang movements. The transformation of cultural values through Serdang Malay Dance can provide a positive effect for students to form a harmonious climate, so that local wisdom values can respond to aspects of modernization positively and productively in line with national values.


Tari Melayu Serdang; Model Sinektik; Berpikir Kreatif

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