Ismayani Ismayani


Online loans are proof of the progress of financial technology (fintech). This is because this type of loan can be obtained through online platforms without the need to visit a physical bank or traditional financial institution. Online loans have become popular because of their ease and convenience. Prospective customers simply fill out the form online while carrying out the verification process, then apply for credit according to the amount of funds required. Customers will receive loan funds after the disbursement or approval process. In the context of online loan default, default is an action that violates the obligations in the agreement between the borrower and the loan provider. In other words, when the borrower does not fulfill or neglects to carry out the obligation to repay the loan in accordance with the agreed terms. The aim of this service activity is to provide understanding to the people living in the Teladan Barat sub-district, Kec. Medan City, the majority of whom work as online traders and drivers, to utilize online loans wisely and ensure that the loans are for productive purposes. From this outreach, people are starting to understand what default is and the legal consequences so that in the future there will be no more cases of online loan defaults.


child; legal reviews; online; sexual exploitation and abuse; victims

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