The Effect of Profitability, Company Size on PBV with Company GCG as a Moderation Variable in the Consumer Goods Industry Listing on the IDX for the 2016-2022 Period

Ruth Wydianti Larosa


The purpose of this study aims to examine the effect of profitability and company size on Price Book Value by applying corporate governance (GCG) as a moderating variable in the consumer goods industry listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period 2016 to 2022. The data used are data secondary from the financial reports and GCG reports of companies listed on the IDX. Data collection was carried out for a period of seven years (2016-2022) to obtain a comprehensive picture of the factors influencing Price Book Value in the industry. This study utilizes moderation regression to examine the simultaneous effect and interaction between profitability, firm size, and corporate governance on Price Book Value. By using the moderation regression analysis method, this study aims to provide a deeper understanding of how profitability and company size can affect Price Book Value in the consumer goods industry, as well as the role played by corporate governance as a moderating variable. In addition, data analysis techniques using the classical assumption test also provide validity and reliability to the research results. Through moderation regression analysis, this study aims to provide a deeper understanding of how profitability and firm size can influence Price Book Value in the consumer goods industry, as well as the role played by corporate governance as a moderating variable. The results of this research are expected to provide benefits for stakeholders to make more effective investment decisions and business strategies.

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