Muhammad Luthfi Shandy, Muhammad Natsir


This study is concerned with writing, focusing on the abridging sentences of
précis writing used in Aesop Fables. This study was conducted by using descriptive
qualitative design. There are ten fables of Aesop in this study taken from The Book of
Aesop (Townsend: 1869). There were 103 forms. The result of data analysis showed the
total number in types of abridging were: by reducing a clause to a phrase 55.34 %, by
reducing a phrase to a word 10.68 %, change the direct speech to indirect speech 16.5
%, and by reducing a clause to a word 17.48 %. It means that by reducing a clause to a
phrase is the dominant types of abridging sentences used in Aesop fables. It is 52.7 %.
The reason why abridging sentences by reducing a clause to a phrase is dominant
because in all ten of the fables use many long clauses that can be reducing to phrases.
There are many clauses which can be reducing to a simpler term of phrases. And the
result based on the context of the form were: human 9.2 %, animal 73.55 %, thing 5.75
%, and situation 11.5 %. It means that the context of animal is the most dominant
context. Then it is found that the ten fables are dominantly use the type of abridging by
reducing a clause to a phrase in the context of animal.
Keywords: Writing, Précis writing, Abridging Sentences

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/tj.v2i4.952

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Copyright (c) 1970 Muhammad Luthfi Shandy, Muhammad Natsir

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