Shofia Mawaddah, Utami Nurhafsari Putri


Abstract: The Attachment Styles and Students’ Collaborative Group Work Ability on Online Learning during The Covid-19 Pandemic. This Study was conducted to determine the effect of the four types of attachment styles on students’ collaborative group work ability during online learning. A total of 87 students from Universitas Negeri Medan completed self-administered questionnaires and the data were analysed using the multiple regression analysis (MRA). According to the findings, the four attachment styles (Secure, Anxious, Preoccupied, and Dismissing) were found to have 61% impact on the student's collaborative group work ability. The secure attachment style has the greatest influence, accounting for 45.2 %. Meanwhile, based on the results of the partial t-test, it is known that the anxious attachment style has a minimal impact on students' collaborative group work.


Keywords: Attachment Style, Collaborative Group Work


Abstrak: Gaya Kelekatan dan Kemampuan Belajar Kelompok Kolaboratif pada Mahasiswa di Perkuliahan Daring selama Masa Pendemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ke-empat tipe kelekatan terhadap kemampuan belajar kolaboratif mahasiswa selama pembelajaran daring. Subjek Penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Medan yang mengikuti perkulian daring selama masa pendemi Covid-19. Sebanyak 87 mahasiswa mengisi kuesioner penelitian dan hasil data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa empat gaya kelekatan (aman, cemas, terikat dan lepas) berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap kemampuan belajar kelompok kolaboratif mahasiswa sebesar 61%. Gaya kelekatan aman memiliki pengaruh paling dominan yaitu sebesar 45,2%. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil uji-t parsial diketahui bahwa gaya kelekatan cemas tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap kemampuan belajar kelompok kolaboratif sebesar.


Kata Kunci: Gaya Kelekatan, Kerja Kelompok Kolaboratif


Gaya Kelekatan, Kerja Kelompok Kolaboratif

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