I Gede Rasagama, I Ketut Mahardika, Nyoto Suseno, Kunlestiowati Hadiningrum, Hermagasantos Zein, Agus Setiawan


The research objective was to determine the profile of the increase in thinking skills to analyze, evaluate, and the sub-ability to think in it due to the implementation of the physics learning model, the results of the R&D that had been done. As research subjects, 56 students from the Bandung State Polytechnic Chemical Engineering Study Program were involved. This research used a quasi-experimental method with pre-test post-test control group design. Research shows that the increase in analyzing ability, evaluation ability, organizing sub-ability, checking sub-ability, and critiquing sub-ability through the DIBeK&P2D learning model is higher than the conventional learning method (lecture), equal to the defferentiating sub-ability, and lower for the sub-ability attributing. Significantly different improvements occurred for total thinking ability, organizing sub-ability, checking sub-ability, and critiquing sub-ability. The increase was not significantly different for the ability to analyze, the ability to evaluate, the differentiating sub-ability, and the attributing sub-ability.


Student HOTS profiles; Learning Models; DIBeK&P2D

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