Optimasi Efisiensi Tungku Sekam dengan Variasi Lubang Utama pada Badan Kompor
Energy sources are classified into two, namely renewable energy sources and non-renewable energy sources. Most people currently use non-renewable fuels for industrial, transportation and household needs. Whereas the availability of these fuels is decreasing over time so that the economic value is getting higher and more difficult to reach. Of the three fuel user sectors, it is the household sector that feels the impact of fuel scarcity and price increases the most. This research is classified as experimental research, which was carried out in the Physics department of FMIPA IPB. The time needed for this research is 4 months including proposal preparation and research. The material used in this study are rice obtained from around the Dramaga sub-district. Zinc (Zn) Iron (Fe) is used to make husk furnaces. Based on the test results, it can be seen that the effective flame is influenced by the air flow in the husk stove which comes from the air trapped in the stove body. If there are additional holes other than the main hole, the possibility of air escaping from the hole so that the trapped air cannot flow optimally to the ventilator. This affects the flame produced, which requires O₂ for combustion. Based on the results of analysis and trials, the husk furnace requires maximum airflow to carry out the combustion process. Therefore, the trapped air must be made as much as possible. From the research conducted, it was found that the size that produces high efficiency is type C (core hole of 20 x 9 cm) with an efficiency of 18%.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/jiaf.v9i3.48625
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