Journal of Informatics and Data Science (J-IDS) is a scientific journal managed by the Computer Science Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia. J-IDS will be published 2 times a year (June and November). Articles can be written in English. Articles are research results with a maximum plagiarism of 20%. Manuscripts submitted to J-IDS will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. Manuscripts must be submitted through the Open Journal System (OJS) in .doc or .docx format. J-IDS is registered at the National Library with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2964-0415 (Online). J-IDS uses Turnitin and Mendeley plagiarism checks for reference management, and is supported by Crossref (DOI) for the identification of scholarly works.
The focus and scope of J-IDS includes Artificial Intelligence, Science Computation, Data Mining, Data Science, Big Data, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Expert Systems, Text and Web Mining, and Parallel Processing.
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