Janno Sinaga, Amila Amila, Evarina Sembiring



Tujuan jangka panjang pelaksanaan program Mutiara Home Care adalah menciptakan akses bagi terciptanya wirausaha baru, menunjang otonomi kampus perguruan tinggi melalui perolehan pendapatan mandiri. Bagi pasien program ini membantu meringankan biaya rawat inap yang makin mahal, karena mengurangi biaya akomodasi pasien, transportasi dan konsumsi keluarga. Dampak ekonomi nasional home care bagi pasien dan keluarga adalah semakin pendeknya hari rawat, sehingga jumlah klaim rumah sakit ke BPJS semakin rendah, sehingga berdampak bagi penurunan anggaran biaya perawatan masyarakat secara nasional. Produk Jasa Layanan Mutiara Home Care memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan home care lain. Pertama, Mutiara Home care akan dikelola dan diorganisir secara profesional oleh tenaga dosen profesional dibidang kesehatan dan keperawatan. Selama ini, home care dilakukan secara individu atau berkelompok tanpa wadah atau organisasi yang jelas. Tenaga kesehatan yang akan ditempatkan di komunitas atau di rumah telah terlatih dimulai sejak masa pendidikan dan tersertifikasi dari USM-Indonesia. Kedua, menyediakan layanan antar jemput pasien yang membutuhkan perawatan rumah sakit atau pemeriksaan khusus, seperti radiologi dan laboratorium. Layanan Mutiara Home Care pada tahap awal melayani pasien paska stroke dan perawatan lanjutan jantung, perawatan pasien DM dengan atau tanpa luka dan perawatan pasien lanjut usia. Secara bertahap akan dilakukan pengembangan serta layanan terhadap berbagai penyakit yang membutuhkan jasa perawatan profesional di rumah.
Kata Kunci: Home care, Mutiara


The long-term goal of the Mutiara Home Care program is to create access to new entrepreneurs, to support college campus autonomy through the acquisition of independent income. For patients this program helps alleviate the cost of increasingly expensive hospitalization, as it reduces patient accommodation costs, transportation and family consumption. The national economic impact of home care for patients and families is the shortening of day care, so the number of hospital claims to BPJS is lower, thus impacting the reduction of national community maintenance budget. Products Care Services Pearl Home Care has advantages over other home care. First, Mutiara Home care will be managed and organized professionally by professional lecturers in the field of health and nursing. During this time, home care is done individually or in groups without a clear container or organization. Health workers who will be placed in the community or at home have been trained since the education and certified from USM-Indonesia. Secondly, it provides a shuttle service to patients who require hospital treatment or special examinations, such as radiology and laboratories. Pearl Home Care Services in the early stages of serving post-stroke patients and advanced heart care, treatment of DM patients with or without injuries and care of elderly patients. Gradually will be developed as well as services against various diseases that require professional care services at home.
Keywords: Homecare, Mutiara

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