Ebenezer Panjaitan ., Denny Haris .


Media pembelajaran ialah suatu alat yang membantu untuk proses pembelajaran berfungsi memperjelas makna pesan atau informasi ingin disampaikan, sehingga mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah direncanakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh media pembelajaran learning management system berbasis problem based learning (PBL) Pada materi balok dan kubus untuk siswa smp kelas VIII yang layak dilihat dari aspek kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development model ADDIE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dilihat dari aspek kevalidan, penilaian validator materi adalah 4,22 sedangkan penilaian validator media adalah 4,15 yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Berdasarkan aspek kepraktisan, hasil respon penilaian peserta didik terhadap uji coba kelompok kecil adalah 4,08 termasuk kategori praktis dan aspek keefektifan hasil respon penilaian peserta didik terhadap uji coba kelompok besar adalah 4,15 termasuk kategori efektif. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran learning management system (LMS) berbasis problem based learning (PBL) Pada materi balok dan kubus untuk siswa smp kelas VIII dinyatakan layak sebab valid, praktis dan efektif digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.

Kata Kunci: Media pembelajaran, e-Learning, problem based learning.



Learning media is a tool that helps the learning process function to clarify the meaning of the message or information to be conveyed, so as to achieve the planned learning objectives. This study aims to obtain a learning management system based on problem based learning (PBL) media on block and cube material for class VIII junior high school students that is feasible from the aspect of validity, practicality and effectiveness. This type of research is Research and Development model ADDIE. The results showed that from the aspect of validity, the material validator's assessment was 4.22 while the media validator's assessment was 4.15 which was included in the very feasible category. Based on the practical aspect, the results of the student's assessment response to the small group trial were 4.08 including the practical category and the effectiveness aspect of the student's assessment response to the large group trial was 4.15 including the effective category. Thus, it can be concluded that the learning management system (LMS) learning media based on problem based learning (PBL) on block and cube material for class VIII junior high school students is declared feasible because it is valid, practical and effective to use in the learning process.

Keywords: Learning media, e-Learning, problem based learning.

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