Analisis Kesalahan Konsep Siswa Terhadap Materi Limit Fungsi Di Kelas XI MIA 3 SMA Negeri 21 Medan
In understanding the mathematical material, the student must first be implanted the basic concept of the mathematics material itself. When students have found the right concept in the material, students can solve problems related to the mathematical material easily and precisely. In this article, found some problems about student misconception about material function limit. This is evident because students can not correctly answer the notion of function limits and can not provide examples of their implementation in everyday life. In addition, students are also unable to explain the properties of function limits but students can answer precisely how to determine the value of function limits using those properties. That is, students are only able to solve the limit problems by remembering the pattern of completion only. if this is ongoing, the impact will be detrimental to the students themselves because they can not use the science of limit functions in everyday life.
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