Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kecerdasan Intelektual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Pada Materi Sistem Saraf Di SMA Asy-Syafi’iyah Medan

Tri Agustina, Martina Restuati, Fitriatul Asphani


The research aims to determine the relationship of emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence to results of student’s biology learning about the nervous system on grade XI-IPA of senior haigh school at As-Syafi’iyah Medan 2016//2017. The population in this research were grade XI of senior high school consisting of 32 students and become the total sample. To obtain data of emotional intelligence used questionnaire and data of intellectual intelligence obtained from the standdard test that is type CFIT scale 3B. The result of student’s biology learning about the nervous system were taken using cognitive test to the student’s. The result of research show that the emotional intelligence score include in the enough category (108-155), the inteltual intelligence score include in the enough category (80-109) and the student’s biology learning score include in moderate category. For the data requirements test it is known that the population of the three variables is normally distributed and has homogeneus variance. From the calculation of correlation coefficients obtained price rxy (0,539259) with a contribution of 50% wich means there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence, intellctual intelligence and student’s biology learning about the nervous system on grade XI-IPA of senior high school at SMA As-Syafi’iyah Medan 2016/2017.

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