Henok Siagian, Martha Hutabalian


This research aims to make clay and Pahae natural kaolin based porous
ceramic using hull of rice ash as additive and tu study the influence of variation of
composition of hull of rice additive with clay and Pahae natural kaolin to the
characteristics of porous ceramic on sintering temperature 9ooac, 10ooac, and
The raw material of this ceramic consists of clay and Pahae kaolin mixing with the
addition of hull of rice ash as additive in the percentage 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% and
then sintering of each admixture in temperature of 9000C, 1000°C and 1100°C. This
aims to get the better admixture by burning and to study whether is there an
increasing of physical characteristics of the porous ceramic material, i.e. burning
wastage, porosity, density, hardness and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) analysis.
Based on the results of research indicates that the physical characteristics of clay and
Pahae natural kaolin based porous ceramic with hull of rice ash as additive is : the
burning waste on sintering temperature 900°C-11000C is (18.91 - 23.31)%, the
porosity value is (27.80 - 56.94)%, density value is (1.33 - 1.71) gr!cm3, hardness
value is (8.78 - 12.87) kgflmm2 and the results of XRD analisys indicates that the
dominant phase on ceramic is Aluminium Silicate Hydroxide [Al2Si20s(OH)4].


Keramik berpori, Clay dan Kaolin, Abu sekam padi, Sifat ft.sis

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