Juaksa Manurung


The research done a simulation of de motor speed control amplifier field
Juzzi logic-based series are very reliable, which can be proved by the results of this
study. Characteristics of de motors studied are the characteristics of the motor open
that shows a dead time of 0.1 seconds, time stable around 0.6 seconds and the
amplitude response only reached 0.1. Characteristics of the motor closed that shows
a dead time covered by 0.1 seconds, time stable around 0.6 seconds, but the
amplitude of the response does not reach 0.1. Motor speed control with fuzzy logic
based fuzzi associative memory (FAM) generates the standard characteristics of the
motor controlled by the dead time is only 0.04 seconds, but after 2 seconds the
response has not reached one, but tlwught to be stable. Based motor speed control
with the FAM-modified fuzzi logic generates the response characteristics, the dead
time is only 0.004 seconds, reaching an amplitude response without overshoot, and
steady in just 0.06 seconds.


de motor. FAM, the time delay (dead time), overshoot, undershoot.

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