Ayu Kartika Zega


The business world in Indonesia has grown rapidly, especially in the sale of increasingly fierce fashion goods, which makes every business or company need to increase the marketing power of goods by raising the differences or uniqueness of the company's products compared to competitors to be able to attract consumer buying interest. One way that can be used to increase sales is by promoting. Promotion is an important part for buyers and sellers. Exchange of goods and services will only occur if the seller and buyer have agreed on a promotion. Promotion decisions will determine success or failure for the company. Promotion is also considered very important in regulating the economy. Promotional interests have increased. Promotion is the basis for the formation of profits so that all companies try to maximize it with market development. From the results of this study obtained the value of the significance of the promotion of buying interest based on t test obtained by t count> t table (6,014 > 1.66) (Sig 0.000 <α0.05). Thus Ho was rejected, the conclusion: there was a significant influence of Promotion on Consumer Buying Interest at PT Matahari Department Store Thamrin Plaza Medan. And the significance value of the location based on the t test is obtained for t count> t table (5,138 > 1.66) (Sig 0.000 <α0.05). thus H1 is accepted. In conclusion: there is a significant influence of Place on Consumer Buying Interest at PT Matahari Department Store Thamrin Plaza Medan. And based on the F test results above obtained the value of Fcount> Ftable is (19,749> 3.09) (Sig. 0.000 <α0.05), thus H0 is rejected. In conclusion: there is a significant influence of Promotion and Place influence on Consumer Buying Interest at PT Matahari Department Store Thamrin Plaza Medan.


Keywords: Promotion, Place, and Consumer Buying Interest

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