Economic Growth and Poverty of North Sumatera Province (Comparative Study Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic)
Economic growth and poverty levels are crucial indicators for assessing a country's development progress. When the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic hit Indonesia, both economic growth and poverty rates increased significantly. The widespread impact of the novel coronavirus has affected all aspects of life, particularly the economic sector. The increasing prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic has directly contributed to rising poverty levels in various regions of Indonesia, including North Sumatra. This study utilizes data from the North Sumatra Central Statistics Agency before the COVID-19 pandemic (2015-2019) and during the pandemic (2020-2022). To evaluate the changes that occurred, the "Independent Samples T-test" analysis method was employed. The findings reveal a significant difference between the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods, reflecting the substantial impact of the pandemic on economic growth and poverty levels in North Sumatra. These results highlight the need for careful policy considerations and interventions to address the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic at the local level.
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