Hubungan Kepercayaan Diri dan Prestasi Mata Diklat Kejuruan dengan Kesiapan Kerja Siswa
Work readiness is the main capital for someone to do a job. This readiness will arise when individuals have confidence in their abilities. Confidence can be interpreted as a person's self-confidence. A person's ability can be seen from various things, one of which is his achievements. The purpose of this study was to determine how big the relationship between self-confidence and achievement in vocational training and students' work readiness. This research is a correlation research using a quantitative approach. The results showed that 1) Self-confidence contributed 75.6% to job readiness. 2) The achievement of vocational education and training has a contribution of only 0.1% to job readiness. 3) Confidence and achievement in vocational education and training together have a contribution of 76.1% to work readiness
Keywords: self-confidence ; achievement; vocational education ; work readiness ; correlation
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