

Prof. Drs. Motlan M.Sc., Ph.D, (Scopus ID: 7409650285, Sinta ID: 6005930), Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

Prof. Dr.Eng. K. Khairurrijal , SMIEEE, (Scopus ID: 57195339550, Sinta ID: 5973327), Department of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Timbangen Sembiring M.Sc., (Scopus ID: 6602501587, Sinta ID: 6021578), Department of Physics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Nurdin Bukit, M.Si, (Scopus ID: 56737114700, Sinta ID: 5975019), Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Makmur Sirait, M.Si., (Scopus ID: 57193121109, Sinta ID: 6000462), Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jakrapong Kaewkhao, (Scopus ID: 23974520300, Sinta ID: -), Center of Excellence in Glass Technology and Materials Science (CEGM), Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, Thailand

Prof. Than Zaw Oo, Ph.D., (Scopus ID: -, Sinta ID: -), Department of Physics, University of Yangon, Myanmar

Dr. Sitti Yani, S.Si, M.Si, (Scopus ID: 57189520562, Sinta ID: 6094946), Department of Physics, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University), Indonesia

Drs. Pekik Nurwantoro, M.S., Ph.D., (Scopus ID: 6507246751, Sinta ID: 5986436), Department of Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Dr. Junios., M. Si, (Scopus ID: 57216964579, Sinta ID: 5975373), Universitas Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi, Indonesia

Dr. Adita Sutresno, S.Si., M.Sc, (Scopus ID: 16313832000, Sinta ID: 5997735), Department of Physics, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia

Dr. Dedi Mardiansyah, M.Si, (Scopus ID: 57190933910, Sinta ID: 6004695), Department of Physics, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia

Dr. Richard Lewerissa, M. Sc., (Scopus ID: 57200209405, Sinta ID: 6166181), Department of Physics, Universitas Papua, Indonesia

Dr. Nasruddin, M.Eng.Sc, Department of Physics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia