Reflection transformation geometry assisted with Geogebra software

Frida Marta Argareta Simorangkir


This study aims to discuss qualitative research methods literature study. The method used is literature study, and data collection by searching for sources and constructing from various sources such as books, journals, and existing research. This study aims to help visualize and find concepts in the geometric transformation of reflections on points and planes that are reflected on O(0,0), on the X-axis, and on the Y-axis. The results of this study show that using Geogebra software can help visualize points and planes which is reflected about the point O(0,0), about the X, Y axes, the lines y = x, y = -x, x = h, and x = k. By using Geogebra software, it can be seen that the results of point and plane reflections are reflected at point O(0,0), about the X, Y axes, the lines y = x, y = -x, x = h, and x = k.

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