Income Analysis of Broiler Farm with Partnership Patterns in Tanjung Putus Village, Padang Tualang District
In order to meet the high level of demand for chicken meat, the right strategy is needed so that the livestock system runs optimally. The farming system commonly used by breeders in cultivating broiler chickens is a farming system with a partnership pattern. This system is a form of cooperation between the company and the breeders to provide benefits to both parties. One of the villages that implements this system is Tanjung Putus Village. This research aims to analyze the income of raising broiler chickens using a partnership system in Tanjung Putus Village, Padang Tualang District. The method used is purposive for independent and partnership system business actors. The data analysis used is income analysis, expenditure analysis and business efficiency analysis. The research results show that the business efficiency of a livestock system with a partnership pattern has a greater value than an independent system, 1.08. A livestock system with a partnership pattern has the potential to have a greater level of profit and a lower level of risk.
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