Profil Keterampilan Literasi Sains Siswa di Salah Satu Sekolah Swasta di Karanganyar

Yesika Rahmadani, Nur Fitakurahmah, Nabela Fungky, Restu Prihatin, Qonita Majid, Baskoro Adi Prayitno


This study aims to determine the profile of students' literacy skills in one of the private high schools in Karanganyar. This study uses a survey method. The study population was all high school students of class X, XI, and XII MIA. The sampling technique uses stratified proportional random sampling with a total sample of 45 students. Science literacy skills are measured using the 2015 Program for International Student (PISA) test with indicators developed by Gormally. The results showed that in general, the average value of students' scientific literacy skills was 52.22% in the deficient category. The results of each indicator of scientific literacy skills are as follows: (1) scientific opinion identification skills of 55.56% in the low category, (2) effective literature search of 48.89% in the very low category, (3) understanding the research design elements amounted to 37.78% in the very low category, (4) charted 57.78% in the low category, (5) solved the problem with quantitative skills of 53.33% in the very low category, (6) interpreted the statistics the base is 60.00% in the medium category, (7) inference, prediction and conclusion drawing 62.23% in the medium category.


Science Literacy; Program for International Student (PISA); high school students

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