AKU ANAK AKSI! Penyuluhan Kesehatan Pencegahan Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas Ringan pada Anak Usia Dini di Sekolah Islam Intan Surabaya dengan Pendekatan Theory of Planned Behavior Model
Sekolah Islam Intan (SII) Surabaya is one of the institutions of early childhood education which has three types of education, playground, kindergarden, and daycare. Children who attend daycare at SII spend up to 54 hours a week. Children who are entrusted in daycare have a higher susceptibility to disease transmission. The long duration of children's activities at the school, the habit of closing the mouth using the palm of the hand and immediately resume other activities when coughing, as well as the lack of habits and the application of clean and healthy living behaviors can increase the chance of ARI transmission to children. The purpose of this counseling to increasing awareness of clean and healthy living behaviors, as well as teaching cough ethics as prevention of ARI transmission. Counseling is effective enough to change the knowledge, beliefs, and behavior of the SII education community in dealing with mild A, as well as efforts to disseminate information by reminding other community members to follow the WHO standard precautions against ARI by participants
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24114/konseling.v17i2.22107
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