An Exploration Study of Psychological Well-Being on Eldest Daughter during Early Adulthood

Yugen Ghifari Anegayuda


The psychological well-being of firstborn girls in early adulthood is an important topic because firstborn girls often face additional burdens, such as meeting parental expectations and younger parenting responsibilities. This phenomenon is increasingly relevant to study because its impact is often only realized in adulthood, where they face challenges to their identity and personal well-being. In this context, it is important to understand how their experiences shape psychological well-being in early adulthood. This study aims to determine the psychological well-being of first-born girls in the early stages of adulthood, by highlighting the impact of responsibilities and roles in the family, based on the psychological well-being theory of Ryff (1989) and the concept of birth order according to Adler (1927). This study uses a qualitative method through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), by conducting in-depth interviews with women aged 19-25 years. The results of the study revealed that internally varied experiences, including roles in the family, affected their psychological balance, and also determined the extent to which they felt stressed. This is influenced by internal factors that occur in the family, so that individuals who do not have positive psychological well-being, will be prone to experiencing difficulties in dealing with every process experienced in life.


Psychological Well-Being; Women; Early Adulthood; Birth Order

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