Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Al-Hidayah Medan T.P 2016/2017

Dede Ruslan, Inda Pradinda


The problem in this research is the low student learning outcomes on economic subjects . This study aimed to determine the effect of learning model Problem Based Learning To result of studying economics class XI SMA Al - Hidayah T.P 2016/2017. This research was conducted at Al - Hidayah SMA Medan is located at Jl.Letda Sudjono , Gg.Pendidikan 14 Medan . This type of research is an experimental research . The study population consisted of two classes with 43 students enrolled . So that all the population sampled . Class XI IPS - 1 as an experimental class with 21 people and the number of students in class XI IPS - 2 as the control class with the number of students 22 people . The tools used to collect data is a multiple choice test . use test instrument , validity, reliability test , test and test distinguishing matter of preference level. Data were analyzed using the average value , variance and standard deviation , normality test , homogeneity test data and testing hypotheses . The results showed that the learning outcomes are taught with higher PBL learning model and positive and significant impact than learning outcomes of students taught by conventional methods. Statistical test results also show the same thing , namely H0 rejected and Ha accepted. In a class experiment , the average pre-test of 45.23 , standard deviation = 13.91 and the post-test of 82.38 , standard deviation of 7.17 , while the control class , the average pre-test at 50 , 45 , standard deviation = 10.45 and the post-test of 65.22 standard deviation = 10.85 . The hypothesis testing results obtained t_hitung > t_tabel namely 6.141 > 1.7 at significant level of 95% and α = 0.05 . Based on the results of data analysis and statistical tests and discussion it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence learning model Problem Based Learning on learning outcomes of economic class XI SMA Al - Hidayah Medan T.P 2016/2017.

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p-ISSN: 2302-030X

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