Hubungan Percaya Diri Dan Disiplin Belajar Dengan Hasil Belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental SMK Negeri 1 Kisaran

Widya Afridiani Erli Mutiara


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) percaya diri siswa; (2) disiplin belajar siswa; (3) hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental (4) hubungan percaya diri dengan hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental (5) hubungan disiplin belajar dengan hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental; (6) hubungan percaya diri dan disiplin belajar dengan hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif korelasional. Lokasi penelitian di SMK Negeri 1 Kisaran dengan jumlah sampel 32 siswa. Waktu penelitian mulai bulan Februari–Mei 2017. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecenderungan variabel percaya diri dan disiplin belajar termasuk pada kategori cenderung cukup dengan masing-masing sebanyak 97 persen dan 84 persen dan hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental termasuk kategori cenderung tinggi sebesar 100 persen. Hasil analisis uji normalitas data dengan dk=5 pada ketiga variabel adalah normal untuk percaya diri (Xhitung= 4,39< Xtabel= 11,07), disiplin belajar (Xhitung=7,61<Xtabel= 11,07), dan hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental (Xhitung=9,22<Xtabel= 11,07). Hasil analisis korelasi product moment terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Percaya Diri dengan hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental dengan nilai sebesar rhitung = 0,824 > rtabel 0,349 pada taraf signifikan 5 persen, artinya semakin tinggi pecaya diri siswa maka semakin tinggi hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental. Hasil analisis korelasi product moment terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Disiplin Belajar dengan hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental dengan nilai sebesar rhitung = 0,842 > rtabel 0,349 pada taraf signifikan 5 persen, artinya semakin tinggi disiplin belajar siswa maka semakin tinggi hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental. Hasil analisis korelasi ganda antara percaya diri dan disiplin belajar dengan hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental dengan nilai Fhitung > F­tabel (55,20 > 3,33) pada taraf signifikan 5 persen, artinya semakin tinggi percaya diri dan semakin tinggi disiplin belajar siswa maka semakin tinggi hasil belajar Mengolah Makanan Kontinental.

Kata Kunci: Percaya Diri; Disiplin Belajar; Hasil Belajar; Mengolah Makanan Kontinental.


This study aims to determine: (1) students' self-confidence; (2) student learning discipline; (3) the learning outcomes of Continental Food Processing (4) the relationship of confidence with the learning outcomes of Continental Food Processing (5) the relationship of learning discipline with the learning outcomes of Continental Food Processing; (6) the relationship between self-confidence and learning discipline with the learning outcomes of Continental Food Processing. The research design was descriptive correlational. The research location is at SMK Negeri 1 Kisaran with a sample size of 32 students. The time of the study was from February-May 2017. Based on the results of the study, the level of tendency of the variables of self-confidence and learning discipline was categorized as sufficient with 97 percent and 84 percent respectively and the learning outcomes of Processing Continental Food were categorized as high at 100 percent. . The results of the data normality test analysis with dk = 5 on the three variables are normal for self-confidence (Xcount = 4.39 <Xtable = 11.07), learning discipline (Xcount = 7.61 <Xtable = 11.07), and learning outcomes. Processing Continental Food (Xcount = 9.22 <Xtable = 11.07). The results of the product moment correlation analysis have a significant relationship between Self Confidence and learning outcomes in Continental Food Processing with a value of rcount = 0.824> rtabel 0.349 at a significant level of 5 percent, meaning that the higher the student's self-confidence, the higher the learning outcomes of Continental Food Processing. The results of the product moment correlation analysis have a significant relationship between Learning Discipline and the learning outcomes of Continental Food Processing with a value of rcount = 0.842> rtabel 0.349 at a significant level of 5 percent, meaning that the higher the student's learning discipline, the higher the learning outcomes of Continental Food Processing. The results of the multiple correlation analysis between self-confidence and learning discipline with the learning outcomes of Processing Continental Food with a value of Fcount> F ¬table (55.20> 3.33) at a significant level of 5 percent, meaning that the higher the self-confidence and the higher the student's learning discipline, the higher the learning outcomes of Processing Continental Food.

 Keywords: Confidence; Learning Discipline; Learning outcomes; Processing Continental Food.

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