Zidna Ilma Nafi', Lesa Paranti


Sanggar Jagaditha was established in 2017, led by Adila Endarini, and is still actively teaching, performing, preserving and promoting the Gringsing Batik Dance of Batang Regency. Batik Gringsing Dance was created to showcase one of the treasures of Batang Regency through the batik process. Methods play a very important role during the training process where the selection of the right method can make the dance training process more effective. This study aims to describe the training method and the stages of implementation of the Gringsing Batik Dance training method. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques include observation, interview & documentation. The data validity technique uses triangulation. The data analysis technique starts from data collection, data reduction, data presentation & conclusion drawing. The results of this study show that the Gringsing Batik Dance training method uses a combined method (lecture, question and answer, demonstration, drill/practice, priest and peer tutorThe stages of the implementation of the Gringsing Batik Dance training method include: perception, replication, feedback and repetition.


Sanggar Jagaditha; Tari Batik Gringsing; Metode; Pelatihan

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