Intan Damayanti, Tuti Rahayu


This research aims to describe the differences in the form of presentation in the Serampang XII Dance which has developed in Deli Serdang and the Manuscript version of the Serampang XII Dance. The author uses the theoretical basis of Sugiyono (2014: 54) and the theory of M. Zajuli (1994: 9) in order to explain and strengthen the title related to the Comparative Study of the Form of Presentation of the XII Serampang Dance which developed in Deli Serdang with the Manuscript Version of the XII Serampang Dance and uses theory comparative study and theory of forms of presentation. The author uses a qualitative descriptive method which consists of several aspects, namely Observation, Interviews and Documentation. The research was carried out at the Deli Serdang Museum and Sanggar Cipta Pesona. The research was conducted from April 2023 to June 2023. The population and sample consisted of 2 Deli Serdang dance artists and 2 pairs of Sanggar Cipta Pesona dancers. The results of this research show that there are differences between the Serampang XII Dance which has developed in Deli Serdang and the Manuscript version of the Serampang Dance XII in the form of presentation which can be seen from aspects consisting of footwork, clothing, music, floor patterns and several various movements The difference is very visible in the 10th variety, namely the coming and coming variety.


Studi Komparatif; Tari Serampang XII; Deli Serdang, Manuskrip

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