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Terbit Setya Pambudi, Gabriella Chrismaditya Putri Mawarni, Dandi Yunidar


The progress of the local and global furniture industry opens up opportunities for Indonesia to return to producing local furniture to support the economy. Millennials as the largest furniture market share in Indonesia have an interest in modular furniture. Modular furniture systems provide ease of mobilization, installation and customization which helps optimize the use of increasingly limited residential land. Apart from that, the need for furniture that is able to adapt according to user needs is also a simple application of the sustainable design concept. The concept of sustainable design refers to intelligent human thought patterns and actions that are in harmony with and respect nature. In the context of research, this concept is realized in the form of a furniture modulation system that can adapt to user needs. This research focuses on designing modular wardrobes that accommodate millennial needs. The design was carried out using design methods: observation, interviews, questionnaires, and literature study, followed by a design process using the User-Centered Design method and identification of user personas. The furniture designed is furniture with a combination of on-a-frame & single bodied modular systems with a knockdown system for easy mobilization and customization

Keywords: EcoLifestyle, bags, modular, sustainable design


Kemajuan industri furnitur lokal dan global membuka peluang bagi Indonesia untuk kembali memproduksi furnitur lokal demi mendukung perekonomian. Milenial sebagai pangsa pasar furnitur terbesar di Indonesia memiliki ketertarikan terhadap furnitur modular. Sistem furnitur modular menyediakan kemudahan mobilisasi, instalasi, dan kustomisasi yang membantu optimalisasi penggunaan lahan huni yang semakin terbatas. Selain itu kebutuhan furniture yang mampu berdaptasi sesuai kebutuhan pengguna juga merupakan penerpan sederhana dari konsep sustainable design. Konsep sustainable design mengacu pada pola pikir dan tindakan manusia secara cerdas yang selaras dan menghargai alam. Dalam konteks penelitian konsep tersebut diwujudkan dalam bentuk system modulasi furniture yang bisa beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk merancang lemari modular yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan milenial. Perancangan dilakukan dengan metode desain: observasi, wawancara, kuesioner, dan studi literatur, dilanjutkan dengan proses perancangan menggunakan metode User-Centered Design dan identifikasi persona pengguna. Furnitur yang dirancang adalah furnitur dengan gabungan sistem modular on-a-frame & single bodied dengan sistem knockdown untuk memudahkan mobilisasi dan kustomisasi

Kata Kunci: Modular, Furniture, Lemari, Sustainable Design


Terbit Setya Pambudi : Universitas Telkom

Gabriella Chrismaditya Putri Mawarni : Universitas Telkom

Dandi Yunidar : Universitas Telkom


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EcoLifestyle; bags; modular; sustainable design

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