The lack of media in the form of video tutorials that can be viewed anywhere and anytime, especially in making digital designs using applications, makes it difficult for students to learn coloring techniques and finishing designs so that only a handful of students are able to make digital designs. Students find it difficult to operate the Photoshop application and even don't know the functions of the tools in Photoshop. So the aim of this research is to gain the advantage of studying the validity of the tutorial video media for fashion illustration design using the Photoshop application for 2022 fashion design students at Padang State University. Meanwhile, the method in this research is the Research and Development (R&D) method by applying the 4D model. The type of data used in this research is primary data. Data collection for this research used observation, interviews and questionnaires. Questionnaire assessment sheet with an explanation of the Likert scale used as a research instrument. The method used in this research is data analysis. The media validity test results obtained a score of 94.56% and material expert validation obtained a score of 89.08%, resulting in a total score of 91.82% in the very valid category. So it can be concluded that this video tutorial media is feasible and can be continued for practicality testing. As for the results of the practicality test with the lecturer in charge of the course obtained a score of 92.22%. Then the results of the small group practicality trial had a score of 96.4% and a large group of 85.45% with a very practical category. So that it can be used as a learning media in the Fashion Illustration lecture process.
Keywords: video tutorials, design illustrations, Photoshop
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