
Lauri Novita Sinaga. NIM 2131140024. Forms And Meaning Of Ende Jeir In The Mandailing Society In
Wek V Village Padangsidimpuan. Faculty of Language and Art. State University of Medan 2017.
This study aims to determine the form and significance of the Ende Jeir in the Mandailing Society in
Kelurahan Wek V Padangsidimpuan. The purpose of this research is to find out the form of Ende Jeir
song in Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village, to know the meaning contained in
Ende Jeir in Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village, to know the function of Ende
Jeir in Mandailing community in Wek V Village Padangsidimpuan, to know the response of local people
to preserve Ende Jeir on Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village.
The theory used is form, meaning, function, and Ende. The shape is the arrangement of the frame of a
song that is determined according to the parts of the sentence. Meaning is the purpose that is derived
from things that want to be shown by something or want to be expressed, exposed, with the word actually
does not interfere with the value of taste. The function of music is to express the taste, and simultaneously
as an activity of various types of human communication. Ende is a traditional song (folksong), which
represents the representation of structure, function and cultural values.
Methods in this research using qualitative descriptive method. The samples in this study were the lecture
and audio visuals of Ende Jeir, singer Ende Jeir, artist and community Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village.
This data collection is done by observation method or observation, interview, and documentation. This
research was taken at Kelurahan Wek V Padangsidimpuan, and this research was conducted from August
The results of this study indicate that the form of Ende Jeir song consists of a one part song form, with AA 'form. the meaning of Ende Jeir is a prayer, plea, expectation of parents to his daughter who is doing
this marriage and singing to advise on a good domestic life. Ende Jeir function is as symbolic
representation media, media of emotional expression and media of cultural preservation. Ende Jeir needs
to be preserved because it begins to be forgotten and left behind. For that, it needs to be developed and
introduced in the young generation so as not to just disappear.

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