Nelvia Anisah, Purwanto .



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Learning Cycle pada materi pokok termodinamika terhadap hasil belajar siswa dan untuk mengetahui aktivitas belajar siswa selama proses pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian two group pre-test post-test. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas XI dan sampel penelitian diambil secara cluster random sampling.  Dari analisa data penelitian diperoleh data pretes kedua kelas berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Setelah diberi perlakuan, rata-rata postes kelas eksperimen adalah 76,75 dan kelas kontrol 70,12. Pada pengujian normalitas dan homogenitas data postes diperoleh data kedua kelas berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Dari hasil pengolahan data postes diperoleh kesimpulan ada pengaruh model pembelajaran Learning Cycle terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa. Rata-rata aktivitas siswa di kelas eksperimen dikategorikan Aktif.

Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran learning cycle, hasil belajar



Learning Cycle is an instructional model that involves students actively in the learning. This study aims to determine the effect of learning model Learning thermodynamics Cycle in the subject matter of the student learning achievement and to know the students' learning activities during the learning process using a model of Learning Cycle. The study was quasi-experimental research design with two group pre-test post-test. The population in this study were all class XI and research samples taken at random cluster sampling. From the analysis of the research data obtained both pretest data is normally distributed and homogeneous class. The average post-test experimental class is 76,75 and control class is 70,12. On testing the normality and homogeneity of data posttest data showed normal distribution of both classes and homogeneous. From the data processing posttest concluded no effect of Learning Cycle model of the physics students' learning achievement. Average students in the experimental class activities categorized Active.

Keywords: learning cycle model, learning achievement

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