Didenickri Padang, Ibrahim Gultom, Sorta Simanjuntak, Elvi Mailani, Dr. Winara


This research aims to determine the influence of the Problem Solving and Problem Posing learning models and to find out whether there is a higher influence of the Problem Solving and Problem Posing learning models on the mathematics learning outcomes of fourth grade students on fractions at SDN 153041 Sigodung. This type of research uses a quantitative approach using quasi experimental design. The research sample was 40 students with 20 students from class IV A and 20 students from class IV B. Class IV A as the experimental class used the Problem Solving learning model and class IV B as the experimental class used the Problem Posing learning model. The data collection technique for this research is in the form of a test. The average pre-test score in class IV A is 63 and the post-test score is 81.25, meanwhile, the average pre-test score in class IV B is 51 and the post-test score is 66.15. This shows that there are differences in student learning outcomes before and after being given treatment. Thus, the use of Problem Solving and Problem Posing learning modes influences students' mathematics learning outcomes. Based on the t-test results above, the Sig (2-tailed) value was obtained at 0.001 < 0.05. It can be concluded that the results of students' mathematics learning using the Problem Solving learning model are higher or superior to those using the Problem Posing learning model in class IV at SDN 153041 Sigodung.

Keywords: Problem Solving, Problem Posing, Learning Results, Mathematics

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