IJECE|Indonesian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

IJECE is managed by Departement Electrical Engineering. This journal publishes scientific articles in the field of Electrical Power Engineering, Electronics and Computers

IJECE is focused on energy system and Power engineering, which is related to advance and develop technology on a wide-scope of all partial themes, but not limited, such as:

Electrical Energy Generation, computer applications in power systems, Control in electric power systems, Electrical machines, Renewable Energy, Artificial intelligence in electric power systems, Advanced energy material, Automatic power control, Battery technology, Distributed generation, Distribution system, Electric power generation, Electric vehicle, Electrical machine, Energy optimization, Energy conversion, Energy efficiency, Energy exploitation, Energy exploration, Energy management, Energy mitigation, Energy storage, Energy system, Applied control system, Fault diagnostics, Green energy, Green technology, High voltage, Insulation technology, Intelligent power optimization, Monitoring operation, Motor drives, Natural energy source, Power control, Power economic, Power electronics, Power engineering, Power generation, Power optimization, Power quality, Power system analysis, Power system information, Power system optimization, Protection system, Renewable energy, SCADA, Security operation, Smart grid, Stability system, Storage system, Transmission system, and etc


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