Yolla Trisrianca Tanjung


This study aims to determine the effect of project-based learning (PJBL) student worksheets against students science literacy abilities on the use of waste and natural materials in class X SMA Swasta Nusantara Lubuk Pakam in the 2023/2024 school year. The research method used is quantitative, in the form of a true experimental design. The research design used was a pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this study was all class X at SMA Swasta Nusantara Lubuk Pakam, with a total of 6 classes. The sampling technique used in this research is class random sampling. The research sample consisted of two classes: X-1, which was the experimental group using PJBL-based LKPD, and X-2, which was the control group using conventional LKPD. This research instrument is a description-based scientific literacy ability test. The results of the calculation of the hypothesis test using the independent sample t-test obtained a sig. (2-tailed) value < 0.05, indicating that the PJBL-based LKPD has a significant effect on students' scientific literacy abilities in the material on the use of waste and natural materials.

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Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan by Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Medan. This journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. p-ISSN (Print) 2338-3003 | e-ISSN (Online) 2502-3217
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