Novita Ercahaya Simanjuntak, Hasruddin Hasruddin


This research was conducted to know the knowledge and attitudes of students about Fungus class X
SMA Negeri 1 Tarutung on 2015/2016 academic year. Types of research used in this research is descriptive. The
population of this research is all of student class X Semester I SMA Negeri 1 Tarutung that is consists of eight
classes. The sample of this research was taken into two class that is class X1 and class X3 that the both of it
consist 35 person. The technique which is used to take the sample with “Cluster Random Sampling”. Data
collection instrument was cognitive test sheet consist 40 question that has been validated by validator and
then are given to know the validity, reliability, and difficulty level test. To known the attitude of students is
used the questionnaire of attitudes consist 40 question about Fungus. The result of the research show that the
high mastery knowledge of students categorized at indicator 7 about concluding the role of fungus in daily life
was 86.12% and the low mastery knowledge of students categorized at indicator 2 about describing the
differences of each fungus was 34.28%. The result from questionnaire show that the high mastery attitude of
students categorized at indicator 1 about express gratitude to God was 91.42% and the low mastery attitude of
students categorized at indicator 4 about convey the idea, inform, and argument was 64.57%. The result of
research also show that the correlation between knowledge and attitudes of students about Fungus was 0.789
(high), and the contribution was 62%.
Keyword: Knowledge, Attitude, Fungus

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Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan by Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Medan. This journal is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. p-ISSN (Print) 2338-3003 | e-ISSN (Online) 2502-3217