Focus and Scope
Jurnal Sastra Indonesia (Sasindo) merupakan media publikasi hasil penelitian dan kajian konseptual dalam bidang sastra, media pembelajaran sastra, linguistik, seni budaya, multimedia senimatografi, dan kajian media massa. Bidang sastra memuat tentang ilmu sastra, sejarah sastra, kritik sastra, dan apresiasi sastra serta pembelajarannya. Bidang lingustik memuat kajian fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, semantik, serta terapannya. Bidang seni budaya berkaitan dengan dunia kesusastraan. Bidang multimedia senimatografi memuat kajian film dan dasar-dasar senimatografi, serta pada bidang media massa meliputi kajian jurnalistik sastrawi.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
The submitted manuscript is first reviewed by an editor. It will be evaluated in the office, whether it is suitable for Jurnal Sastra Indonesia (Sasindo) focus and scope or has a major methodological flaw and similarity score by using Turnitin.
The manuscript will be sent to at least two anonymous reviewers (Blind Peer Review). Reviewers' comments are then sent to the corresponding author for necessary actions and responses.
The suggested decision will be evaluated in an editorial board meeting. Afterward, the editor will send the final decision to the corresponding author.
The editors will assess whether the submission is eligible for review. After this formal assessment, if positive, the submission will be sent to two external referees.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate OPEN ACCESS to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Benefits of open access for the author, include:
- Free access for all users worldwide
- Authors retain copyright to their work
- Increased visibility and readership
- Rapid publication
- No spatial constraints
Articles are published in Jurnal Sastra Indonesia (Sasindo) under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited